
Learning To Love My Body Unconditionally

It's completely normal to struggle with self-image. Especially as a woman. 'Ideal' images are shoved in our faces all day every day. It can be incredibly difficult to block out.

24 Hours in London | Designing Furniture with and Topology Interiors

So, you'll have noticed, over the past few months that I'm working my way, slowly but surely, into a career in Interiors. It started with launching Honey Bee Home and now I'm focusing more on the styling and decorating side of things.

Melly's Musings: FOMO and Reducing Social Media Time

I was having a chat with a friend about social media and how we're both making an effort to cut back a little. In this post, I'll be sharing what I'm doing to reduce my screen time.

Freelance Life: The Importance of Finding Your Tribe

Freelance life can get lonely. Not just the day to day but in finding people who are freelance too. Not only that but then finding people who are on your wavelength. It can be exhausting trying to explain what you do to people who think it’s ridiculous or just don’t want to understand.

Vero and Why I'm Willing To Give It A Go

So, we've seen a lot of fuss and chat about Vero the past couple of days and I'm chatting about why I'm willing to give it a go.

My Day at Top Drawer London

I've never been to Top Drawer London but as Honey Bee Home grows, I've made it an essential in my calendar now. Read all about my first time there, what I learnt and who I met.

Melly's Musings | Life Update | Why I Took A Break

Oh wow, it's been a while since I actually sat down to get a blog post done more excuses. Here's an update on what I've been up to and what my plans are for Inside Melly's Mind.