
BEDN: Anti Bullying Week

This seems like such a miserable post to throw myself back into blogging with, but I'm sure by the end of reading this, you won't mind. First, I must say, I've been such a fail for Blog Every Day in November. Like, seriously. Broken laptop-ness has not helped the situation one tiny bit. So, I'm picking up and I'm going to try my hardest to keep it up. We do still have a couple of weeks left, after all. And following this month, I'm going to take a good look at my editorial plan and get this situation under control. Right, back to the topic in hand. Bullying is still what I consider somewhat of a crisis. It really can affect you at any age - it's not reserved for the playground. It can happen in the workplace, or even at home. If you're fortunate enough to have never been bullied, then congratulations. You are a rare species or you are the one who has actually done the bullying. In which case, slap yourself and then get the help you obviously

Outfit Post: Fedora Fun

Just a quick outfit post... This is actually an outfit that I wore a while ago but I've only just decided to post this on here. I already shared it on Instagram . Fedora - Topshop | Blouse - New Look | Trousers - Primark | Shoes - Peacocks | Necklace - Topshop Being naughty, running away from the camera My nails that day. Nails Inc. Shoreditch and Rimmel Matte Finish top coat I am literally obsessed with gorgeous trousers, so when I spotted the pair I'm wearing in this outfit, I had to have them. They were £6 (!!) from Primark, in the sale this summer. They're a fantastic fit and the cut looks fab with heels or flats. I definitely plan to add more hats to my wardrobe, now that Autumn is approaching. I've seen a beautiful burgundy one in Peacocks that I'm obsessed with. That's going on my wish list, which I'll probably post on here. Hopefully, I'll be posting more outfits soon and I'm thinking of doing a week in m

Let's Have A Catch Up | Part Two: MA End of Year Show

And so the catching up continues. This one is all about the end of  my MA...

Let's Have a Catch Up | Part One: Bek's Hen Party

Hello there! Grab a cuppa, I think it's about time we got up to date. It's been waaaaay too long...

Melly's Musings: I'm Not Dead

Ciao! Haven't written on here in suuuuuch a long time. And that's unacceptable. I've really missed blogging but to be honest, I had a bit of a crisis of confidence. You know, the usual questions... - who's reading this? - I wonder what they'll think - what if their blog is better than mine? - what if people don't like it? Well, I've made the decision this week to stop caring about all of that and blog anyway! Do I have a million followers? No. Am I in fashion magazines? No. Is my photography the best? No. Does everyone agree with what I have to say? No. But does any of that matter? No, it does not. I named this blog Inside Melly's Mind because this is my little space on the internet (vast as it is) to do with it as I please. But the break hasn't been all bad. If anything, it has made me realise how much I miss blogging. So I am back. I'll put no pressure on myself about what to blog and when. For now, I'm going to just run with it

Blog Every Day in May #2: Spring is Here!

Hello! It's been such a gorgeous spring day! And I've actually been able to get out and enjoy it for a couple of hours. Dare I say, I even caught the sun? As you can see, I am in such desperate need of a tan. Anyway, I love spring because it's the perfect excuse to go for a stroll, eat ice cream and fruit salads or even pack a picnic. So basically, I just love food. And sunshine and fun and friends. Oh and fashion. I can't wait to buy some new summer clobber and get my legs out. I've been squatting - I am ready! There's nothing nicer, on a spring day, than heading off to the park. Today, I wrote a little of my MA assignment in the park. I always feel carefree and chilled out, when the sun is on my skin. Just me? Having recently delved deeper into building on my career, I made some exciting plans today and although scary, it was a little bit nicer, doing it in this glorious weather. I grabbed an hour with a friend and even made my very first daisy cha

Blog Every Day in May #1: 5 Lines

Hello readers! I've decided to challenge myself a little bit and found the perfect way to do it. I'm doing Blog Every Day in May  - the genius idea from  Rosalilium  - a fab Birmingham blogger who I discovered just today, actually.  The first challenge is to introduce yourself in 5 lines and include a photo you're proud of. So, here goes.... 1) My name is Melissa 2) I'm a writer and freelance copywriter 3) I live about 9 miles away from Birmingham 4) Just finishing my MA in Writing 5) I never feel busy enough There are plenty of other random things about me. 33 more in fact can be found here . And a photo that I'm proud of. I think it'll have to be this one... The hard work paid off And that's all there is about me for now. Looking forward to tomorrow's challenge and actually having time to read other's posts - I've found some fab ones already. Much love, Melly xoxo P.S. Sorry to those of you that read this and already know that