The Post I Shouldn’t Have to Write

Can you imagine your last words being “please, I can’t breathe?”

No. Me neither. But right in front of our eyes, a man was slain unjustly and those were his last utterings. George Floyd and the myriads of black men, women and children who died before him deserved better. 

Racism is not and will never be an easy thing to discuss. And I’ve realised that over the years, it’s something I’ve shied away from. There are a variety of reasons; not feeling informed enough and being removed enough to not have to acknowledge it. 

It’s not a new thing. It’s systemic and is historically and deeply engrained. I’ve heard people say that it’s not an issue here in the UK, I can tell you that it absolutely is. It’s insidious. But this week especially, something has shifted and it has had a ripple effect across the pond. There’s a sense of collective grief because I should not have to see or hear a man’s last moments on video. 

I understand that it’s hard to speak up on a subject that has never personally affected you or that you don’t feel informed on but Google is free. Even if you only share a link to a reputable fund that you can contribute to, that’s a start.

If you consume black culture and casually drop the N word and have said nothing, you are complicit because you’re happy to uphold the systems that have oppressed entire races of people. I don’t care if you have one black friend, have you spoken up for them? We’re tired of seeing black people’s names being made into hashtags because they’ve been murdered. I’m tired of seeing dead black bodies on my timeline. 

I don’t know how rotten you have to be to see occurrences like this and then try to find excuses for it. Nobody deserves for their life to be taken in such a cruel and brutal manner - and especially not at the hands of someone who swore to serve and protect their community. 

Call out wrong, when you see it. The microaggressions, the unconscious bias, judging someone based on their surname, telling black people they're well-spoken, jokes about running on BMT, not speaking up for your black colleagues in the workplace - it's all a part of the problem. 

This week has made me look at so many people in a different light. If your human decency only extends to people who look and think like you, check your privilege. If you can go about your life without being emotionally affected by what’s happened this week, check your privilege. If you date black people but don’t view this as important, that says a lot about you. 

Sorry if you thought it was just fun and bantz and fashion on this blog, you were wrong. Go and check on your black friends, this week has been heavy. 

By the way, stop posting dead black bodies on social media. It’s traumatic, it’s anxiety-inducing, it’s unnecessary. It isn’t new for us. It’s undignified and it’s inhumane.  

And for the all lives matter brigade, act like it. 

With love and a heavy sigh,

Melly xo 


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