Five Happy Things #4

What's made you happy recently? This is what's put a smile on my face, the past few weeks...

Encouragement from other bloggers

I had a lovely Twitter exchange with Rebecca Morgan recently and it genuinely made my day. I don't think I will ever get over the fact that people actually read and enjoy my blog. She writes over at Lawyer in the Making.

New clients 

The freelance hustle is no joke. It's always nice when a new client comes on board and it's nothing that I ever take for granted - no matter how much work comes in. I signed up a new social media client this month and I'm excited to be doing work with them. I took some photos for their social media this week.

Publishing two blog posts in one day 

A real achievement for me, as it's something I've struggled with on here in the past. Procrastination is not going to get the better of me this year. I am determined.

Time with my best friend 

Isn't there something wonderful about a friendship that feels effortless? That's myself and Bek. We're both quite busy, so it's always nice when we get to hang out. Some people just do you good. She's one of those people. We laugh a lot! She's amazing.

My amazing family 

It was my dad's 60th this month. What a man! I adore my family, especially we're quite close. I know that not everyone has that. I am thankful. 

                        Much love, 


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